GeoSquare @ Trefdag Digitaal Vlaanderen

The name of this event is a bit confusing, because there is so much interesting stuff to tell and share, that one day is much too short to cover the load. Therefore, this is a 3-day trade show with presentations. :-)

Trefdag Digitaal Vlaanderen

Put November 24-25-26 in your agenda, because the Govtech community of Flanders is gathering again.

For everyone in the public sector who believes in digital transition

Besides companies, governments are also becoming more agile, through lean processes and decisions powered by data. They work faster and smarter, through the right technology, data flows and intelligence.

Say no more…
With themes such as #Smart | #Data | #LowTouch | #Pods this is right up the alley of the GeoSquare teams!

Within governments, there are many valuable data available. People, assets, spaces and devices are in constant interaction. We would like to show you how you can boost the efficiency of all kinds of organizations by using it intelligently, whether this is done on a global or city scale.


‘Smart city’ or ‘smart continent’, we love any challenge that can be solved by GeoSpatial Technologies and by bridging the physical world to the digital one!


In a nutshell: The GeoSquare companies enable you to “Master the power of location with intelligence”

How we’re doing that?

  • We connect your Assets
  • We implement your Location Strategy
  • We optimize your Mobile Workforce


The possibilities are endless. We’re expecting you for an inspiring chat (booth 16) to speed up this exciting digital transition!


Check out the program!


The GeoSquare teams welcoming you:

  • Suivo
  • GeoSolutions
  • Localyse
  • Aptus
  • Amigo
  • Freebility
  • GeoMobility
  • Locus


November 24 - 25 - 26


GENT ICC – International Convention Center