Trailer & container tracking

For some companies, containers, chassis and trailers are important parts of their fleet. It is therefore only logical that they ask for a suitable track and trace solution.

trailer and container tracking
Trailer container tracking

Know where your trailers are

See where all your chassis, containers and trailers are located. Once in 24 hours or in real time. Completely up to you.

Trailer container tracking

Insightful capacity planning

Knowing whether they are on the move or waiting somewhere – with or without assets in it – enables you to optimize your planning and even your purchase policies.

Trailer container tracking

Independent IoT platform

Capturing all kinds of data on an independent platform, makes sure you’re not stuck with multiple software and scattered information. The brands of your trailers are of no significance for connectivity. Collecting all valuable data on 1 platform enables you to connect the dots.

collecting trailer data

Why would you collect your trailer data on an independent platform?

There are many manufacturers today – whether trailers or tools – that incorporate technologies to provide traceability.

They usually do what they are designed to do. The point is that each brand designed its own platform or software to effectively make use of those track & trace functionalities. Different manufacturers or brands, means your data is in different places. You don’t have an overall view.

Thanks to an open platform you can centralize all data, regardless of which suppliers you use. This centralization provides a complete overview and makes it much easier to connect data with each other.

collecting trailer data

Why would you collect your trailer data on an independent platform?

There are many manufacturers today – whether trailers or tools – that incorporate technologies to provide traceability.

They usually do what they are designed to do. The point is that each brand designed its own platform or software to effectively make use of those track & trace functionalities. Different manufacturers or brands, means your data is in different places. You don’t have an overall view.

Thanks to an open platform you can centralize all data, regardless of which suppliers you use. This centralization provides a complete overview and makes it much easier to connect data with each other.

Weight, loading info, tire pressure and more

The Suivo IoT platform is an open platform. It makes it possible to read and collect all available data from the CAN bus of your trailers in one central place. Relevant data such as weight, loading info, tire pressure, etc. can be seen at a glance, during or not during driving time.

Even if there is no data available from the CAN bus, it is still possible to locate your trailers.

weight, loading info and tire pressure

What contains the container?

By using a Hydrogen tag, you also know which trailer is linked to which tractor and even driver identification becomes possible. If you use Oxygen tags (our small and budget-friendly tags) for tagging other assets besides your trailer, you will also know exactly which materials and tools are in your containers or on your trailers.

Read more on the advantages of deploying JUST ONE track & trace solution for your trailers, containers and chassis.


The feature in action

This awesome feature is used by smart people. Take a look at these cases!

Van Moer Logistics tracked 1400 trailers

The major advantage of the Suivo system is the simplification of our planning, which allows us to save a lot of time. Other benefits include theft prevention and accurate reporting to our customers. (...)

Heli goes into the cloud

In order to remain competitive, we needed to bundle all phases of our machine rental - from orders, through planning and transportation and even inspection and repairs - into one system.

H4A | 3.000 assets in one system

For construction companies it is crucial to have the right material available at the right time on their cnstruction sites. Dutch construction company, H4A, uses Suivo trackers and tags to monitor their assets and tools to register usage, location and inspection information.

Molenbergnatie | Innovative transport management

Molenbergnatie commits to innovative transport management with Suivo. Molenbergnatie resolutely chose to modernize its business processes. "Innovative transport management in a digitizing end-to-end supply chain."

Diksmuide ensures transparent and efficient task allocation

Using the Suivo track & trace system has delivered significant time and cost savings to the City of Diksmuide. It is now much easier to ensure efficient use of the vehicles and machines.

Reference Transport Wouters

Th. Wouters finds its chassis with Suivo

Thanks to their dispatchers always knowing where there is a free chassis, the company is now able to plan trips more efficiently and arrange future technical inspections and maintenance on time.

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