Stay in charge of your buses

Correct time estimates, a structured overview and valuable insights give you a grip on your fleet. Whether we're talking about regular, occasional or special people transport, this leads to a competitive advantage.

Buses tracking
time registration

Benefits for bus & coach companies

Suivo offers ready-made solutions for the specific challenges that characterize your sector.

  • Online Time Registration to provide input and support for wage calculation.
  • Clear reporting and invoicing based on correct trip information.
  • Legal compliance with automated remote tacho and driver card download.

Time registration

All the different CAO's (collective labor agreements) make wage calculation very complex. In addition, for some trips a journey sheet must be physically present in the bus.

  • Suivo links trip data from all your drivers into your payroll. This saves your administrative staff easily several days of work a month.
  • Different systems because we adapt to your needs. Time registration can have very specific requirements.
  • Tacho download can be automated and the tachostatus is visible in the Suivo platform.
time registration buses
Bus trip application

Bus trip application

Get immediately started thanks to the deployable modules that help you meet the expectations of your staff, clients or the government.

  • Clear reports about routes, trips, estimated and actual arrival times. This is important information for regular bus transport. The reporting to your client (DeLijn) is based on this.
  • The Bus Trip app registers all trip information in function of the requested timetable and links it via an interface (API) with your ERP system. You can also simply download it directly (xlsx, csv, …).
  • Driving time data is made available digitally, which makes processing much easier and error-free.

Coach and bus transport solutions

With a user-friendly track and trace system you make sure that your planning & schedules go smoothly. Furthermore, you can make sure that all available drivers are working as efficiently as possible.

API integrations

API integrations

Get the most out of your data. Suivo API integrates your data fast and easy so all your systems are using the same data.


We help you protect what is valuable for you: fleet, machines and equipment. All you need to carry out your business!

Remote tacho download

Remotely read and download both the driver ID and the mass memory of your tachographs.
Navigation icon

Navigation & communication

From basic communication needs to innovative, advanced communication & navigation options.
driver behavior

Driver behavior

Monitor speeding, acceleration and fuel consumption. Improve your driver’s savety & reduce your costs.
track trace

Track and trace

The beating heart for most of our customers, with Google Maps at it’s center. Knowing the location of all your assets!
trip log

Trip logging

Electronic driver logs make it easy to keep track of working and resting times. No more paper or manual tacho downloads.

Autocar and buses

Compliance with your agreements is key. Respecting departure times is crucial for clients. Discover how these great companies make their customers and passengers happy.

Multiobus | Suivo ensures efficient fleet management

Multiobus registers and monitors driving behavior over their complete fleet of auto cars and busses with Suivo soft- and hardware components. Resulting in a noticeable drop of fuel consumption and at the same time an increase of safety for both, chauffeurs and passengers.

Let's get in touch.