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Candidates Transport & Logistics Awards

Op maandag 9 maart 2020 nodigt de Federatie van de Belgische Autobus- en Autocarondernemers (FBAA) u graag uit op haar 34e Lentereceptie in de vertrouwde Proximus Lounge in Evere.

Thirty-eight different candidatures, representing the three regions of the country and illustrating a wide variety of facets of the Transport & Logistics sector, will be presented to the juries who will award one of eight awards.

Suivo is delighted because some of our customers have submitted their file: Heli and Van Moer.


17u30 – 20u30 Onthaal | Aperitief |  Voorgerecht

20u30 – 21u30 Prijsuitreiking

21u30 – 22u30 Diner

22u30 – Dessertbuffet / Open bar


February 20, 2020
17:30 - 23:00


Nekkerhal 2800 Mechelen Plattebeekstraat 1